
Showing posts from January, 2021

What type of diet must I do after getting stents?

I f a person has suffered a heart attack and has gone for stent implant, it is necessary to follow some basic rules to lead a normal life. The stent implant becomes necessary after a heart attack for the arteries are narrowed down which leads to the heart attack. It may take some time for the patient to lead a normal life again but with below mentioned tips regarding diet, the person can start living a normal life very soon. But it is also necessary to consult the doctor time and again if the person finds himself in chest pain after the stent implant . E ven minor modifications in your dietary habits can make a huge difference in the health of your heart. You can initiate the following basic steps, but first consult with your doctor to build up a diet plan that is best suited for your condition: 1 ) Consume foods that contain more whole grains, 2 ) Eat more quantities and varieties of fruits and vegetables. 3 ) Reduce salt and sugar intake 4 ) Also cut down on the consumption ...

What are the symptoms of Heart Attack

There are many heart attack symptoms . But most important factor is recognising it and taking the person to the hospital on time. The symtoms can vary many times. The major symtom is feeling of tightening, pressure, and pain in the chest. As soon as someone complains about the pain, the best option is to make the medical care available as early as possible. The other symptom is difficulty in breathing. Then there is fatigue, Nausea and Dizziness. The symptoms vary between man and woman. While it includes chest pain in men or shortness of breath the symptoms in women include pressure or squeezing in the center of the chest, shortness of breath, and nausea.  It is always advisable to get oneself checked as soon as some symtoms are noticed. This may help in avoiding Heart attack . It is feasible option to get onself checked every year after one crosses age of 50 for a good and healthy life.